Thursday, December 9, 2010

Savior of the Nations, Come

Luther's hymn describes the glorious event and purpose of Christ's first coming.   The theme of Jesus' virgin birth and defeat of death,which allows us to gain salvation, becomes apparent in this hymn.  Throughout the hymn, Luther uses description to show how great the concept of Jesus coming to be our sacrifice is,so that we can enjoy the glories awaiting us in heaven.  "Marvel now, O heaven and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth" speaks about the humble beginning of the greatest and most powerful figure that will soon reign on both  heaven and earth.  This hymn inspires the reader or singer to fully praise God for the pure and "wondrous birth" in which heaven will be "enthroned."  A personal sense of victory, awe, and thankful emotions are created by Luther's use of diction.  Also phrases like,"Savior of the nations, come,Virgin's Son, make here Thy home!" provoke an urgency to seek the second coming of our Savior. 

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